In the past ten years, Vietnam has participated in globalization very enthusiastically and recognized the values of globalization, considering globalization as a phenomenon containing many new opportunities for development. However, overall, the old and new value hierarchy intertwines many endogenous and imported opportunities and challenges. In international communication, the exchange of information, the need for information, the connection of activities to orient human values and social values have caused traditional cultural values in Vietnam to fluctuate, to become compatible with the common culture. The dynamics of some traditional Vietnamese cultural values in the context of globalization, such as old-new, good-bad, right-wrong, progressive-backward, must all be directed towards the common relationships and values of Global. Reality shows that Vietnamese culture is the face of Vietnamese people, first of all traditional values, which are fluctuating, as a rule, grasping the future. However, predetermined values are still a separate direction, but there are also positive changes that create “opportunities” for development.
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